Suggestions Teachers might make for the format of Student Reflections

For this ungraded assignment, students can work individually or in pairs.  The idea is to construct a (roughly) 500-word essay reflection in response to the prompts from one of the three possible digital texts:

Sarah Koenig, the Producer of “Serial”. Source: Kenneth C. Zirkel [CC BY-SA 4.0 (], from Wikimedia Commons
  1. The Podcasts from Serial, Season 3 (episodes 8 and 9)
  2. The multimedia narrative from the New York Times entitled “Snow Fall” (about an avalanche and rescue)
  3. The multimedia narrative (housed both at MIT and abroad, in France) entitled “Rebuilding Haiti“), which is an interactive “newsgame” site that invites the reader to react to different pathways/or itineraries.

When I’ve used this exercise, I’ve said that students could think about a “multimedia” kind of response (either simply in Word itself or some other platform). That is, I suggested that their response should have the following elements: 

  • two embedded hyperlinks to materials on the internet you think are interesting in relation to the subject/ your response to it; (for instance, a link like this about Haiti, or an ACLU fact sheet on the juvenile justice system
  • one or more visual or auditory elements–a photograph, a YouTube video, a song riff; for instance, the YouTube video on Avalanche rescue dogs below
  • And, as I’ve said, about 500 words (2 pages double spaced) of reflections from the prompts.

I’ve tried to show you above how these things can enliven/ create different kinds of dimensionality in students’ responses.  Again–this is meant to be fun, exploratory!

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