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    Thinking about Syllabi

    Searching around the web, it’s easy enough to locate very fine samples of syllabi focusing on the teaching of literary or narrative journalism. The IALJS has a terrific list of its own, and there are other excellent samples you can find, e.g. from Josh Roiland (annotated on the… Read More

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    Teaching NJ via the Visual Arts

    A Teaching Thought:  I’ve often wondered why there isn’t more frequent “currency” between visual studies (particularly art history and photography) and the study of narrative journalism. Aside from the obvious synergy with documentary photography in Jacob Riis’ or James Agee’s work, or the example of Joan Didion’s… Read More

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    Good Reads: Aleksandar Hemon’s “The Aquarium”

    I’ve always regretted the fact that I never had a chance to teach Aleksandar Hemon‘s “The Aquarium” in a narrative journalism class. If you don’t know it–it’s reprinted in Hemon’s The Book of My Lives (2013), and you sometimes see it online–it tells the heart-wrenching story of the fact that Hemon’s… Read More